I was looking for a very rare arcade game on eBay and Craigslist, and found that standard searching was very tedious and did not give me the results that I wanted. I was constantly searching several different web sites every day hoping for something to pop up. I then discovered a way to search all of Craigslist with a Google Custom Search (GCS) engine. I took that idea and added a few more groups of sites for myself and my wife. I also added more filtering options to my GCS to make the search results more relevant!
Since Google provides this as a free service, I wanted to keep the look and feel as simple as possible. I wanted to make something that my parents could use without making a phone call.
Right now, this site is best used to search for extremely rare items. Searching for popular items return too many results to be useful. So, if you have a hard to find item, try searching for it here! Find that long lost treasure!!
I plan on adding many more site bundles based on your feedback!